SAN FRANCISCO 2012 ... below / 4 weeks BLN / SF housing swap / from bottom to top
2012 / CITY / HOUSING / SWAP / My Mission: A series of drawings on San Francisco for my "METROPOLITAN" Solo Show. +++ Meeting old and new friends in California and having a good time. / Bottom to top.

August | 29 | SF

Bye bye San Francisco. It was way too short - as always! See you soon!

August | 28 | SF

My last day in SF today. Gotta do some organizing, cleaning, meeting Kelli to hand her the studio keys and such.
I met Kelli in the studio today - to hand het the keys. Thank you sooooo...o! much for this awesome space. had a great time there.

Well. I met my buddy Doug Smith yesterday for Lunch... We did some shopping craze for friends at home together and he gave me a ride. Thanks. Had a great sunny day.
Joel and Debbie came by to pick up the board and Zoe and Erin came by as well - Zoe brought her piece for the upcoming group show... See some pics below.

Joel and Debbie came by for a drink last night and Joel picked up his board. We are both stoked on it...;)

Gave my bike to Kelli today as a "thank you for letting me use your studio"... Super Star! Yay!

August | 27 | SF
(Well - late 26th. here / 27th. in Berlin already.)

Had my last day in the studio today. Packed everything up and biked back uphill to PH. This picture was taken from the living room window. Night shot SF - beautiful!

August | 26 | SF

Okay - it's my last few days here in SF now. I was quite productive yesterday. Spent about eight hours in the studio, drawing. Finished the third big drawing and started a new one right away. Finished my little street-find from the day before as well. Plus, did a few more little pieces. See below...

Some detail / new drawing.

Here's the little street-find. Varnished and all.

I found this Worship Hymnal Book at the Salvation Army thrift store - had to take it with me and turn it into something...

Also found this little frame/wood piece there. Fun doing those little ones in between.

Oh Mission studio - you've been good to me - I will miss you!

Almost healed. A little more than one week ago. New ink - done by Juan Puente / Blackheart Tattoo San Francisco.

Right side: I started skateboarding in 1984. It had and will always have a strong impact on my life.

Skateboarding brought me into doing arts - wich I will do for ever and ever...

August | 25 | SF

Almost finished the third big drawing. I'll do some touch ups on that one, but it's done more or less.
Looking forward seeing all these drawings framed when I am back in Berlin.

I found this little piece of wood in the streets yesterday. It somehow whispered "take me with you / turn me into something sweet..." So I tried. That is the rough sketch - needs some shading and such. I like...;)

August | 24 | SF

I consider it DONE. There will be better shots coming soon...

August | 23 | SF
(August 24 in BLN already)

Got pretty far with the new piece after a couple of studio hours today.

Zoe went on a short bike ride with me today - down to the old sea port / bay. I met her at her studio space in the Dogpatch - which is amazing. Just a 10 mins bike ride away from mine.

I left a tile down by the water (see the bay bridge in the faaaar back?)...

SF skyline - seen from the old port.

August | 23 | SF

Started a new piece right away - wanna have it done before I leave. Hope to have the surfboard finished this weekend...

Finished the next big drawing yesterday night before I met Layla, Zoe and her wife at "The Phone Booth" for a bunch of beers. Time flies and there's only a few days left before I head back to Berlin...

August | 22 | SF

Well - still August 21 here, but early morning in Berlin.... Anyways - today was super productive. I worked some hours on the new bigger drawing. Also did some detailing to the surfboard. Getting closer! I also had two studio visits today. Jenn Porreca and Zoe Ani came by for a visit and a talk.

Time is flying. It's my last week already!

August | 21 | SF

Did the rough sketches on the surfboard - getting things started. It will be done by the end of this week I guess. Yay!

Met Tim yesterday. He's from Berlin as well. We haven't met for about eight years... Now in SF. Weird world.

Plus - I worked on my second bigger piece in the studio. Quite far yet. Another day or two...

 August | 20 | SF

Joel asked me to paint this surfboard. Sounds fun. So this will probably the first and last time to see it plain white... Gotta get started - time's running fast!

Joel and his wonderful wife Debbie came over for dinner yesterday. We had a fun night and some drinks and yummy food.

August | 19 | SF

As mentioned yesterday - my buddy Bill from "Mormonland" / Salt Lake City / Utah showed up for the weekend. We spent some time in the studio, went out for beers and had some good ol' fun. Too bad he's leaving tomorrow! Here's a retardo-pic taken in the studio today. Oh my!

This is a little piece for a charity show taking place at KAYO gallery / Salt Lake City / Utah.

August | 18 | SF

My friend Bill from Salt Lake City is visiting this weekend. So we went through the city, met Jen and Kerri at Varnish gallery. Went to the Jeremy Fish show as well... been out. I got some new ink from my favourite guys at at Blackheart Tattoo. So no pics yet. But I will come up with some!

August | 17 | SF

Started a new piece today. Playing with perspectives... yay!

August | 16 | SF

Finished the big drawing!!!!! Yay! I could still do some details / touch ups - but I have to find an end on this one! Love it - so much work - and I am so happy about it.

I guess every skateboarder on this planet knows this spot! Mission / 24th. / now hosts a tile!

And - at Fillmore / Haight - right by Upper Playground / FIFTY24SF Gallery the tile is still there. I put it up in 2008 and it was spray painted around it in 2009 - a little faded, but hey. It's still up and shining!!!

And finally THIS - is how I roll...

August | 15 | SF

Starting the day with a quick drawing. Still at home having breakfast. Will head over to the studio this afternoon to work on the big one.

August | 14 | SF

I took a day off today and went for  a fun skate trip with the men. Kev and Z. We skated this old rough steel miniramp in Daly City and another super sketchy metal park. We had fun for weeks. Awesome day! And no, we did NOT jump the fence...

Z and Kev. Good guys!

And this little guy just sat right next to the car when we briefly stopped by the beach.

August | 13 | SF

What a good day. I spent about 6 or even 7 hours working in the studio. Did almost the whole left side of the big drawing I am working on. Had a friend visiting in the studio, went out for dinner and drinks in the Castro (at Harvey's {"Milk..."}).

Lina came by to see the studio and we went for dinner and drinks afterwords.

A tiny Mexican place I tried today. Good coffee, yummy sandwiches, cheap and super friendly. Mission / 26Th. Pic was taken from the inside - felt like being in Mexico actually...

And finally a bike ride through the streets San Francisco at night. From Castro to Pacific Heights. Quiet and beautiful!

August | 12 | SF

And closer - more details and I started the left side as well. Can't wait to finish the whole piece. Still needs a few days I guess.

August | 11 | SF

Getting closer. Had a great drawing day in the studio. Long way there and back - walking and skating as every day. Sore legs. Beer now! Kev is coming over for some drinks tonight.

August | 10 | SF

I spent about six hours in Kelli's awesome studio in the Mission today - finally got in "working/drawing mode". I started a bigger drawing / still in progress. This might take some more days to be finished. Can't wait to have it done - yay!

August | 9 | SF

Finished a quite quick sketch after hearing someone just broke into my art studio in Berlin. Damn! Art heals bad thoughts...

 August | 8 | SF

Had a long day being in the studio and cruising the city today. Sore legs - way worth it!
Did some drawing / touch ups and varnishing in the studio today.

Also - there's a new tile in SF yet...;)

And I got myself some soft cruiser spitfires for a smooth cruise - about six (!) miles today. Sore legs - way worth it!

August | 7 | SF

A night doodle after being out for a few beers and some tacos with Matt. I used my new water color refill-brushes. Sweet stuff!

August | 7 | SF

Today's daily doodle / drawing. This is on Laguna on the way downtown. And - there is even more power lines as seen in the drawing.....;)

August | 6 | SF

I checked out the studio today. Deep in the Mission, South Van Ness and 25th. Very nice place to work. Thank you tons, Kelli!

And some new friends/supplies I just bought at Flax today... Yay!

J. Fish is everywhere. Seen at Lower Haight today on the way to Flax and the studio...

August | 5 | SF
First drawing. Not finished yet - still needs some touch ups. Done on the breakfast table at home. That is the view outside the dining room here.
I'll check the studio today... excited!

August | 4 | SF

Arrived yesterday. Just catched some sleep and start the day now.

The flat is awesome, located on a hill - looking down on rainy and foggy SF this morning.
Arjun (the guy I am swapping with) is very nice.
I'll post some pics soon...

July | 18 | Berlin
Counting days. If I look outside - it's grey and rainy. Makes it even easier to look forward to the californian sun!